
Manufacture of packaged water tube boilers, Waste heat boilers, HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generators), SCR Systems, Co-oxidation catalyst system. Manufacturers with good technical knowledge in dealing with refineries and petrochemical projects.

RENTECH was established with the mission statement to build boilers for people who know and care. Backed by over 1700 years of combined boiler making experience, Rentech has a reputation as the industry leader in deve3loping new innovative designs across the range of boiler applications.

RENTECH is the fastest growing boiler manufacturer in North America and has further strengthened its commitment to serve the market with the recent expansion of its Abilene, Texas manufacturing facilities to overt 100,000 ft2. RENTECH’s capabilities to support international markets are achieved by its manufacturing partners throughout the world.

RENTECH designs and manufacturers high quality custom boilers in a variety of categories including

• Fired Packaged Boilers
• Waste Heat Boilers
• Heat Recovery Steam Generators
• Specialty Boilers

RENTECH designs and supplies emission control systems for its own boilers and for those offered by all other manufacturers

• CO/Oxidation Catalyst Systems
• Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems

RENTECH also offers custom services including

• Boiler Repair
• Rebuilds
• Upgrades
• Burner and CO/SCR System Retrofits
• Field Erection
• Installation and Startup

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