PHWS Packaged Hot Water Generators

Steam to Water/Water to Water

The Precision Model PHWS is a packaged, fully automatic, factory-insulated, skid mounted Indirect Fired Water Heater with copper tube bundle. For ease of installation, the heater is shipped totally complete and ready to be used with all the accessories Factory-sized, assembled and pre-piped. These units utilize either Steam or Hot Water as the heating medium.

Two linings are available to fit your individual needs. Precision Seal and Cement linings are both NSF-61 compliant.

Incorporating both a storage section and a recovery section within the same heater, a wide range of storage capacities from 100 gallons to 10,000 gallons, and recovery systems that produce hot water from 125 to 1,600 gallons per hour (GPH), can be tailored to meet your design requirements. All standard components are Factory-sized and installed to assure the most efficient and economical package. Many options are available.

Key Advantages: Steam to Water


  • Self operating steam control valve
  • Main float and thermostatic trap
  • Auxiliary drip trap
  • Strainer for steam supply
  • Water thermometer
  • Water pressure gauge

Key Advantages: Water to Water


  • Self-operating boiler water control valve (2-way or diverting)
  • Strainer for boiler water supply
  • Storage section thermometer
  • Storage section pressure gauge.

ASME Information

All PRECISION tanks are constructed in strict accordance with the standards of the applicable code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). PRECISION is accredited and certified by ASME under the following construction code stamps: “H” – Heating Boilers; “HLW” – Lined Water Heater; “M” – Miniature Boilers; “S” – Power Boilers; “U” – Unfired Pressure Vessels, for design and fabrication of tanks and vessels of all sizes and types.

The ASME code symbol assures you that PRECISION tanks conform to all the applicable ASME Code requirements. These standards govern the material, design, fabrication, labeling and inspection of pressure vessels. The appropriate ASME Code symbol stamp can be applied only when authorized by an authorized inspector holding a National Board commission after a thorough inspection of each vessel as it is being fabricated. The authorized inspector visually checks quality of materials, dimensional conformity, welds, alignment, and quality of all welds.

A final inspection is performed when the vessels are hydrostatically tested in accordance with the applicable ASME Code of construction to observe for leaks. Manufacturer’s Data Reports, which have been verified and certified by the authorized inspection agency and Precision Boilers LLC, are then sent to the National Board in Columbus, Ohio, for registration.

PRECISION is also approved by Underwriters Laboratory and the American Gas Association for Boilers and Tanks requiring those specific codes.

Insulating and Jacketing

PRECISION’s tanks are not insulated or jacketed as a standard, but are painted with one coat of industrial grade primer prior to shipment. For tanks storing either heated or chilled water, insulation and jacket offer a good return on investment when the original cost of insulation is compared to energy savings from improved efficiency over the life of the tank. The low thermal loss with insulation and jacketing meets the energy efficiency standards of ASHRAE.

For more details please visit

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